“The Rumba Foundation is the seventh studio album by New Flamenco artist Jesse Cook. It was released on September 29, 2009.
The Rumba Foundation
Studio album by good Jesse Cook
Released September 29, 2009
Genre- New flamenco, world fusion, ethno-jazz
Label Koch Records”
Condition: Sealed New CD
Please also see photos as they form part of the description.
“Jesse Cook can now add ethnomusicologist to his résumé, right under rumba flamenco guitar god. For his 7th album, the award-winning composer travelled to Bogota, Colombia to absorb the musical culture and integrate it into his unique style of nuevo flamenco music. And he's done a fine job of it, too. Sometimes when musicians attempt to bring together musical genres the result is somewhat disjointed, with one style awkwardly inserted into the other, never achieving a true blend. But on “The Rumba Foundation” Cook and crew achieve an artful marriage of rhythms and harmonies.”
[Reference https://www.thewholenote.com/index.php/booksrecords2/potpourri/2366-the-rumba-foundation-jesse-cook{
If your not familiar with his music, follow this link
Product code: Jesse Cook, good NEW Sealed DVD, Rumba Foundation,