Extra good lush all dark red flower crown with peonies, roses, raspberries, extra gorgeous all around crown
this crown is gigantic!
i wanted to play with something extra special since i had these velvety burgundy red peonies. they are so fluffy and big
there are red roses in a couple sizes, red raspberries (some are black), red blossoms (they're apple blossoms, also look like cherry blossoms) there are also these little mum shaped flowers with black centers
this is fit for a queen (of hearts) or a bride who wants some deep red pizzazz
will fit most adults, you can wear it with whichever side facing forward but there is a back, technically. it just has more of the smaller flowers
can be manipulated to fit the shape of your head a bit- the wire is still malleable under the tape
however, handle with care, its made by hand, and everything is attached with glue
it is 5.5" at its widest good