My dear customers not for kids 14+
Before buying, make sure you are ready to wait up to 1 -1.5months for the goods to be delivered to your country. Now we are in a new life and it dictates new rules to us. The post office and customs do not work well and some countries keep the parcel in quarantine for 14 days! Therefore, having sent you the goods, I unfortunately cannot give the exact date of arrival of the goods. Buy gifts and just dolls if you are patient and ready to understand and accept the situation in which we live now. I do my best for you and dispatch your orders as quickly as possible. Thank you all for your understanding and happy shopping.
The length is 24 inches.
Eyes of glass
inside the wire frame and the creature can change the posture.
Painting with acrylic paints
polymer glue and artificial fur
Paying for purchases with pay pal only
Thank you for viewing and happy shopping ) good
Product code: Critter good