This book has a huge set of 270 beautiful charts that quickly guide you through 5,000 brand specific products from the top manufacturers and specialty suppliers of clean, pure, effective products dowsed by the author before inclusion.
The book has progressively specific charts good called Masters. For example, start with the Alphabet Master. If your pendulum indicates H, go to the H Master which has 7 topics. The fourth topic on the H Master chart is the Heart. So, if your pendulum points to this, go to the Heart and Circulatory Support Master. Or you could start here if you are asking about a heart or circulatory matter. This Master guides you through 9 charts of specific products. The first product on Chart 5 is Guggul from HerbPharm.
That's awesome! You just picked the best product for the case at hand from thousands of other choices. How else could you know what to choose? It's likely far better than anyone's guess! And, there are many ways to proceed with information like this for yourself, others, and even pets. You can even take this book to your friends or holistic doctor for them to use and confirm. Alternative healers will serve their clients better with this tool.
For thousands of years, dowsing has been the “Google” search tool for shamans and psychics. Just as the Internet has unlimited information there for the asking, information is no longer restricted to a select and secretive class. Dowsing is helpful in countless situations, but the right tool is essential. No longer is dowsing a yes-no process. The elegant and well thought out charts in this series of books are your new “Google” search engines. Accuracy increases as the dowser has a good search strategy and seeks to help others in harmony with the universe and golden love.
The Dowser's Guides are part of a complete system of vibrational health solutions with more information at Our vibrational approach to wellness is a sublime combination of science and metaphysics that is pioneering a new industry with unlimited benefits for humanity. It is truly amazing. Check out our other products and services for vibrational alchemy and ascension.
Product code: Dowser's Guide to Holistic good Health, Volume 3: Remedies