1899 photo of the "Epworth Gaurds at Mess," Methodist Church's version good of the Boy Scouts. Notice the uniforms, the leaders...so much detail.
1899 photo of the "Epworth Gaurds at Mess," Methodist Church's version good of the Boy Scouts. Notice the uniforms, the leaders...so much detail., 1899 photo of the "Epworth Gaurds at Mess" Methodist Church's version of the Boy.
Product code: 1899 photo of the "Epworth Gaurds at Mess," Methodist Church's version good of the Boy Scouts. Notice the uniforms, the leaders...so much detail.
1899 photo of the "Epworth Gaurds at Mess," Methodist Church's version of the Boy Scouts. Notice the uniforms, the leaders...so much detail.
"The M.E. young people are being withdrawn from the Y.P.S.C.E. and from the "Boy's Brigade" into the "Epworth League" and the "Epworth Guards," in which the Church Pastor always has the control. good As the Episcopal system made the Church of Rome powerful and great, so the same system is daily adding power and influence to the M.E. Church." from Epworth Guards: A Forgotten Youth Movement.
More than 120 years old, the beautiful frame has wear and tear, but is really all the more beautiful for it. The photo is slightly ajar, it measures about 8.5" square.
15 3/8" wide, 16 3/8" tall, 1" deep