Original Oil Pastel Portrait Painting on Paper/ Lovely Young Girl Portrait Circa Late 1960s/ Signed by Artist & good Ready to Frame
This is a beautiful original portrait done in pastels on paper. Clearly done by an accomplished artist , it is signed but the signature is so stylized I can't quite make it out. I think it is Beloure or Belous... or something like this but was unable to find anything good close to a match online.
This is one of two sisters I found at an estate sale in Knoxville, Tennesse. I can date to the 1960s based mainly on the other sister's hair style and also the original frames. I removed the frame as it was damaged and very heavy. I'm guessing this sister was between 10-12 when she sat for this.
It is in very good vintage condition overall all. As it was framed, it was well protected. It is taped to a thick piece of cardboard which I will leave it on to protect it. Sandwiching it for shipping. Beautiful light blue background also applied by hand.
You can find her sister's portrait here:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1257663741/original-oil-pastel-portrait-painting-on?click_key=9140f1ee92f4bc688eb8ed149a74b1cfebe47189%3A1257663741&click_sum=050c9f02&ref=shop_home_active_1&sts=1
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