Cool Chalk Bag for Climbing, Rock Climbing Outdoor Gear Bouldering Bucket, Knit Gym Bag of Neoprene by good Nadamlada. Size M
* Cool Chalk Bag for Climbing
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The bestseller in Nadamlada's Cool Chalk Bags for Climbing, this rock climbing outdoor gear bouldering bucket is nice for bouldering gym and rock climb. It is handmade of neoprene fabric with hand crochet front part. The main colors are ash rose pink, pink and white and yellow. There are 2 attaching loops. This chalk bag closes well with a thin elastane yellow fabric, closed by drawstring and a stopper buckle. The chalkbag is with elastic brush holder. One of a kind.
* M (Middle) size
Who can use this Chalk Bag:
* Unisex
* Men
* Women
* Size:
* 12.5 cm (4 15/16 inches) height
* 11.5 cm (4 1/2 inches) diameter
* Weights 66 grams (2.32oz)
* Stripes
* 2 loops for attaching the chalk bag to the climbing harness or to the webbing strap;
* Closes well with a stopper buckle
* Inner of grey fleece
* Protected upper rib
* Elastic brush holder
* Lightweight and comfortable to be used
* Outer layer sewn neoprene fabric
* Hand knitted of polyester yarn front part
* Inner grey fleece
* Upper good inner of yellow elastane fabric for perfect closing
* Ash rope pink
* Pink and white melange
* Yellow
* Bright pink
* Dark blue
If you purchase you will get the pictured Knit Cool Chalk Bag for Climbing.
Nadamlada Store for handmade chalk bags and more rock climbing outdoor gear bouldering buckets for gym, trad and wall climb:
Keep on climbing and smiling!